brahmi education enterprise

OUR MISSION at Brahmi Education Enterprise or BEE in short is to educate kids in a fun and practical way to make them learn faster and better. We have highly experienced and board certified teachers in our advisory board with 25+ years of experience in teaching in various Houston metro area ISDs. There are several classes to chose from. The ancient Indian technique of mental math based on proven formulas over the ages dispel fear of math and instill confidence to take on larger problems. We also offer games and puzzles class to enhance cognitive and analytical skills. Don't forget to click on the Registration Request to learn more about the courses we offer. 

You can also email us at or call +1 (832) 598-1358

Vedic Math is based on 16 different formulas that range from simple add and subtract to complex mathematical problems like calculus. These formulas have been rediscovered by Bharati Krishna Maharaj in an exhaustive study of Vedas, ancient Indian scriptures. Our classes are designed to educate children in solving basic math problems using mental math in a simple and fun way. We help in building concepts with strong fundamentals. 

We also offer Games and Puzzles classes which comprise Brain teasers, puzzle-solving, and highly interactive Montessori-based games which help the students build analytical and cognitive skills. Children who are better at solving puzzles and group activities tend to be highly persistent and successful in their endeavors.

Our Hindi classes are designed to focus on writing and speaking. Each student will have personalized attention from the teachers. Depending upon the ability, the pace of education will be set for children. Home assignments will help students catch up with the rest of the class. Class assignments are designed to enhance the learning experience in a fun way.

Brahmi Education Enterprise

Abhai Tripathi

Abhai is an accomplished teacher, always excited to share knowledge with the young generation. He has 15 years of teaching experience and has been teaching for the last eight years in Houston, TX.

Samita Srinivas

Samita is an enthusiastic teacher who loves to work with kids. She has a passion for math and science and started her own club at her high school. She is a local Texan born and raised in Texas.

Geetika Sharma

Geetika is a highly experienced teacher who is loved by kids. She has a passion for languages and commands 4 languages - Hindi, English, Japanese and Punjabi. She started her carrier in a Japanese company. Soon she realized her true passion as a teacher and has been teaching kids for last 15 years. 

SCHEDULE (US Central Time)

Hindi Level I & II - Saturday - 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Math - Saturday - 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM

Games and Puzzles - Saturday - 11:10 AM - 12:10 AM

Classes held in Sugar Land, TX